Monday, April 27, 2020

Knitting swatch - Lace Insertion - Faggot stitches

I solved a pattern request on Reddit and made a swatch.  Might as well record it here.  Repeat rows 1-4

1.  Was the correct solution to the Reddit user question:
The part in red:

Row 1: K1, (yo, K2tog) 2 times
Row 2: Purl
Row 3: (SSK, yo) 2 times, K1
Row 4: Purl

2. The part in red (includes one more column each side)
Row 1: K2, (K2tog, yo) 2 times, K1
Row 2: Purl
Row 3: K1, (SSK, yo) 2 times, K2
Row 4: Purl

3. The part in red (includes one more column each side)
Row 1: K2, (K2tog, yo) 2 times, K1
Row 2: Purl
Row 3: K1, (K2tog, yo) 2 times, K2
Row 4: Purl

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