Monday, November 16, 2015

Wheat Ear Rib Stitch (Knitting)

Flat knitting:
A multiple of 6 stitches, plus 3.
Rows 1 through 4 are the set-up rows.  Rows 5 through 8 are repeated the desired number of times.

Row 1 & 3: p3, *k3, p3; rep from *
Row 2 & 4: k3, *p3, k3; rep from *
Row 5: p3, *wyb, insert right needle into center k st of next rib FOUR rows below (i.e Row 1), draw up a loop from the working yarn onto the right needle, extending the height to be even with the other stitches in Row 5; k3; using the same hole where you made the previous loop, draw up another loop on the right needle, again extending the height of the loop to be even with the other stitches in Row 5; p3; rep from *
Row 6: k3, *wyf, sl loop pwise, p3, sl loop pwise, k3; rep from *
Row 7: p3, *wyb, sl loop kwise, k1, psso, k1, k2tog (you are knitting the next st with the loop that follows), p3; rep from *
Row 8:  k3, *p3, k3; rep from *

In the round:
A multiple of 6 stitches.
Rnds 1 through 4 are the set-up rnds.  Rnds 5 through 8 are repeated the desired number of times. 
Rnds 1 - 4:  *k3, p3; rep from *
Rnd 5: *wyb, insert right needle into center k st of next rib FOUR rows below (i.e Rnd 1), draw up a loop from the working yarn onto the right needle, extending the loop height to be even with the other stitches in Rnd 5; k3; using the same hole where you made the previous loop, draw up another loop on the right needle, again extending the height of the loop to be even with the other stitches in Rnd 5; p3; rep from *
Rnd 6: *wyb, sl loop pwise, k3, sl loop pwise, p3; rep from *
Rnd 7: *wyb, sl loop kwise, k1, psso, k1, k2tog (you are knitting the next st with the loop that follows), p3; rep from *
Rnd 8: *k3, p3; rep from *


dvcrztb said...

Do you have a place for us to insert our email addy to join your blog? I don't see one here and this is a great tutorial. I'd love to see your tutorial on other stitches I have not heard of.

WordPlay said...

I'm sorry, but I don't really add very much to the blog these days. I don't have a subscriber email address list.

You could the RSS feed feature of this (and most blogs) to notify you of new material.
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You can also use the "Subscribe to" feature in the right side-bar of this blog. I don't use these but trying them out could lead to something helpful.

Thanks for visiting!

Karen Zilverberg said...

Thanks for this wonderful tutorial. This is very useful to me.